Monday, October 23, 2017

The Friction Report 10.23.17

            The Friction Report 10.23.17
                             You can trust me with the keys        
                                                           by Don Ford
            As a manager, you must trust some staff with keys and pass codes to the entire work area. The trust level is highest if you have been involved in the entire hiring process of these staff. Obviously, these are the people that have been background checked and have a clear record. Possibly they have worked in situations where you can get a good understanding of how responsible they have been in previous positions.
            With all that said, there are still some people who, for whatever reason, develop a need to be a thief. This story is second hand information as this all happened at a center that I was not responsible for. 
            For some of the old heads, you may remember the days when we had microfiche readers. These were devices that you could put a sheet of microfilm into and view the item along with it description. When these modern devices came into existence, the company stopped using a paper catalog. I remember, when we used the paper catalogs, it was almost a continuous job for one of the office staff, to keep all the catalogs up to date.
            There was a department manager who took a microfiche home and kept it. This department manager was a trusted employee with keys and pass codes to that entire operation. As the story was relayed to me, this person would allow people to order items using the microfiche, and he would then go to the center, during none working hours, and get the item/s. He would then sell the items. As I understand it, he may have kept some items at his home to sell. How long did this go on before he was caught, I don’t know. He was caught and as I remember the story, he went to prison for his crimes.
            To the managers, trust but verify. Trust your staff but you must occasionally check to be sure. I can’t say how they were made aware of this thief, but they could have used a print out of openings and closings of the building.
            These printouts show date and time along with the name of the individual entering and leaving. Occasionally review the printouts just for your own knowledge. It is suggested that a printout occasionally be shared with those who have keys and codes so they know you can, and do check.

            There is another area that you should be aware of, and that is shipping. By shipping I mean company trucks.
            Years ago, at the Waco center we had a problem with a driver who liked to steal from the company. This person worked for the trucking company and he was not a DIB employee. It is easy for a truck driver to steal merchandise and it is difficult to catch them. While out on a delivery route, a driver can take an item from the trailer and place it in the cab of the truck. When he returns to the center he drops the trailer and drives to where his vehicle is parked. He removes the item from the tractor and places it in his vehicle. The member does not get charged for the item as he files a shortage report.
            We were not sure how long this person had been stealing from the company but it must have been a while. He had a sells person with a list of items for sell, of course at a reduced rate. The sales person was his wife and she literally carried a list of items available. My memory is not clear on how they were caught but I believe someone they offered items too, reported them. A thief married to a crook, nice couple!
            Along the same line, when an item is loaded wrong on a trailer, if it is not on any waybill, it could be tempting for the slightly dishonest person to take the item. Since it isn’t documented, no one will know!
            How does an item get loaded wrong? It can happen two ways. Most likely due to an error, although items are counted by the filler, and the counts verified by the loader. An item can be miss loaded intentionally. Let’s say the loader and the delivery driver are working together as a team. The loader intentionally miss loads the item and communicates to the driver. The driver then takes the item that is not documented.
            Let’s consider one other situation. Let’s say the driver is caught taking the item. If he does not tell you that he was working with another employee, the other thief gets away with it, and you have a thief waiting to try again.

            We will discuss parcel carriers in the next article.

Don Ford

Post script;
            Understand that learning about theft should not cause one to be negative and think that everyone is bad. Most people are good honest people and would not steal. The problem is, you as a good honest person, think like a good honest person, and that may cause you to not be aware of the dishonest among us. Many of the dishonest people seem like the most honest.
                Be watchful of all.

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