Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Stretching is good 08.16.17

                Stretching is good for everyone. When you get out of bed in the morning what is one of the first things you do, stretch. Ever watch a dog or cat as they get up from sleeping, they stretch. Stretching is a natural thing and it is a good policy for all and should be done often.
            Stretching is something that should be done whether at work or at home. It will help prevent or at least minimize muscle strains.
            The company is responsible for employee safety, and proper stretching will improve the odds of employees not having a strain.
            So why do some people not stretch, or not stretch properly? Why do some people talk through the entire stretching program? Why are the management teams not requiring all to stretch properly? There are several reasons but I will not elaborate.
            I have been in the stretching programs at every center in the past. Most of the staff understand that stretching is good for them, and they stretch properly, but there are those who don’t seem to care and do not participate or, participate in a less than effective manner.
            What do I suggest?
            Announce that everyone is required to participate, and that non-participation will result in corrective action/s. The actions are the same as those for other violations.
            When those who are not properly participating, see that the company is serious, all will begin to stretch properly.
            Do not assume a one-time announcement of expectations will correct the situation, it only works while staff remember the expectations and results of not meeting expectations.
            If you are serious about the program, act serious.

Don Ford

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