Saturday, August 12, 2017

Security 08.12.17

            At times every company gets hopped up on security for their buildings. This usually occurs after something bad happens at another company. These companies send out the rules that everyone is to follow. The rules are put in place and they work for a while. I believe, as time passes, some of those involved either forget or just don’t see the need of the safety procedures.

            When I visited the centers, I was aware that they kept the doors from the lobby into the office area locked, all had sign in and out sheets at the front office.
            These sign in and out sheets are good if there is an emergency and the building had to be evacuated. A roll call should be taken of all staff and visitors during any evacuation, and the information provided to the responding police or fire department.
            When I reviewed the main buildings they were not as secure as the office. Shipping and receiving doors are often open allowing easy access to the building.
            Employees of companies who deliver freight most often have access to the building, without a sign in or visitor badge.
            Outside repair personnel, often do not sign in, or have visitor badges.   
            Securing the entire building seems a waste of time to many, as they assume nothing bad will ever happen at their location.
            I suggest, either commit to security or not! In my opinion, securing part but not all is not acceptable.
            Put the rules, not guidelines but rules, in place
            See that everyone understands, the rules are for their safety, and why they are in place.
            Provide the training for those who must control the safety measures.          
            Someone, usually the safety coordinator, must review at least monthly, that the safety measures are being followed. 
            If a safety measure is not being followed, report it to your manager.

               When part of the business staff are following the safety measures, but others disregard them, there is a, “why should I effect”! Yes you understand this without me explaining it, but just in case someone needs an explanation, the why should I effect is simply, why should I follow the safety guide lines when others are not, no one cares!

            The above is boring to many, I can understand that. Let someone into the business with a weapon and if he / she hurts someone, then it will not be so boring.

Don Ford 

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