Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Friction Report 09.19.17

                        Snow and Pizza
                                                            by Don Ford
                Many days ago, or was it many years ago, during one of the times when I was filling in as a temporary General Manager at the New York center, it snowed. The work part of these trips was not much different from other centers. I have noticed that the General Manager at each center, has a big effect on the staff’s actions and attitudes, which includes production, quality and safety. I believe it is much like the effect that parents have on their children, even though the children do not know or want to believe they do. 
            Although this article is not about the effects that a manager has on staff, probably upper management considers this each time they select a manager, if they don’t they should.

            This article is about a fellow whose home was in Texas, where it seldom snows. This is actually about two snow falls during various visits to the northern state. It did snow several times during visits to New York but most were small snow falls of a couple inches.
            We had completed the day’s work and staff had left the building. There had been predictions of snow and it had snowed a little during the day. I finished my work and headed for the hotel. The snow fall was very heavy and I thought I should get to the hotel before it got any worse. There was a restaurant within walking distance of the hotel.
            After a short nap in the hotel room, (I most always took a short nap when I arrived at the hotel after a day’s work) I walked to the lobby. I looked out the front door and decided I did not want to go out in the snow which was about 7 inches deep and it was still snowing.
            What do I do, not eat? I took a chance and called a pizza place and asked if they were still delivering. The voice on the other end of the phone said, “Sure”. It was as if the snow meant nothing to them. I ordered and they delivered. Excellent service!
            The next morning the parking lot and roads were cleared.
            If we received 2 inches of snow here in Hewitt TX, everything would come to a halt, and I mean everything!

                Another snow event in the New York State. I had left work and drove over to Middle Town. There is two ways to get to Middle Town from the Center. One is a nice two lane back road with little traffic and the other was a divided 4 lane highway. I liked the side road which when I got into Middle Town it took me directly to the Red Lobster restaurant.
                I arrived at the restaurant about dark, there were few vehicles on the parking lot. There were snow flurries during the drive over to Middle Town but nothing that indicated bad weather coming. I entered the establishment and ordered my meal. There were a few customers this evening but not as many as usual, possibly that should have been an alert to me of what was coming. I enjoyed a leisurely meal which took a while. Upon leaving the front door I was very surprised that there was about 5 inches of snow on the ground and it was still falling! This snow consisted of huge snowflakes.
                Not good I thought. I will need to take the highway back, believing that the traffic on the highway would have the snow packed down, or they probably have the snow plows out and the road will be cleared, making it easier driving for this southern boy.
                I removed the snow from the windshield and made my way over to the on ramp to highway 84. I naturally noticed that the snow had not been removed from the on ramp, and was very surprised that the highway was not cleared either. In fact, there was one set of tire tracks in the snow on the highway and zero traffic. There was no way for me to get off the highway, so I was more or less forced to attempt to get back to New Burgh. I attempted to follow the tire tracks in the snow and I did not know or care which lane I was in. I don’t remember how far it is from Middle town to New Burgh but is seems as if it was about 20 miles. 
                I do remember that was one of the longest drives of my life. No traffic on either side of the road, 5 plus inches of snow and it was still snowing very hard.
                I made it back to the hotel safely. The next morning, all the streets and the parking lot at the hotel had been plowed and the drive back to work was fairly easy.
                We will not talk about going to Medina in the winter, it snowed every time I went during winter months!

Don Ford

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