Monday, September 18, 2017

The Friction Report 09.18.17

            The Friction Report 09.18.17
                      Self- Termination                                                                                                         by Don Ford

                This article is about how a statement by me at the beginning of break, caused this self-termination, which probably turned out to be a very good thing.
                This happened many years ago, during the time when we were working out of the old office. In the olden days it was not unusual for the DPS troupers to come to our building with their drug dogs. They would hide a carton with some drugs in it and then bring the dogs in to see if they could find it.
                One time the trooper who hid the carton of drugs forgot where he hid it. It took the dogs several passes through the aisle to find the drugs, but they did find them. I asked what would happen if they could not find the box of drugs. I was told, “We will not leave without the drugs!
                DPS had called and asked for permission to come to our building with the dogs and we said sure. They arrived a little before break, there was several State Highway Patrol cars parked on the parking lot. Employees who had worked here for a while, had seen the troupers and dogs here in the past and knew that they were practicing.
                During break, I jokingly announced that the Highway Patrol were here and they would be looking for drugs in the building, along with all the employee’s cars and lockers. Staff laughed at my comment as they all knew this was training, and that they would not be checking employee’s cars and lockers.
                We always announced the trooper’s presence, so staff would safely work around them. We did not want any employee to be surprised along with not wanting any of the officers or dogs to be injured.
                Break was over and staff went back to work. The officers got their dogs ready while one officer hid the drugs. It wasn’t too long when a department manager came to me saying that the two newest employees had left. I asked why and he said he didn’t know. He said one of the other employees saw them leave right after break.
                We now assume they may have had some drugs in their car and not knowing I was kidding about checking the cars, did not want the highway patrol to arrest them.
                If they had drugs, it was good that they left!

Don Ford

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