Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Have a successful opening

When opening a new warehouse, distribution center, service center, or similar business, there are a few common since guide lines that should be followed. 
If you have existing center/s that function as expected, you would be wise to use the proven processes, while only incorporating new systems or procedures that will enhance the tried and true. Consultants can be helpful but remember, they are salesmen, there to make money for themselves and their vendors.         
Select the management team from people that have been involved in the process previously. If you can’t do this, there must be an experienced management team, working with (embedded) during the entire start up, to work with (influence, direct, and manage) a new or fairly new center manager. The new manager could seem to be in charge, but in reality he / she would be learning processes and procedures.
                There is always need for new blood in any organization, but the new blood is not to change everything. Instead the new blood is to carefully blend new ideas and concepts with the tried, true and time tested methods, when approved by those who understand, the new and tried methods. 
The Management team must be compatible, they must be able to work together without fear that they will say or do something that the other could not deal with. 
It is best if the manager and senior supervisor have worked together prior to this assignment and are also compatible. 
Management team must be able to discuss their thoughts, ideas and disagreements, but after these discussions, be in agreement on the entire process.
Management team must have a complete understanding of the processes, training and expectations prior to being assigned. 
Management team must have clear and open communications between all.
The management team must be able to communicate with upper management, without fear or without feeling that they are in the presence of someone special.  
Picking the right people for the new Center is a very important key to success. Do not consider race, sex, national origin or any of those politically correct topics. Pick the best people from your candidates and you will without prejudice have a balanced crew.
This very much applies to those who do the initial review of the applications. You could easily have a person reviewing the applications and this person could have a prejudice. Be sure that those who are reviewing applications and interviewing candidates are looking for great workers and not a certain race, sex, national origin or other politically correct category. Just because someone works in HR does not remove the possibility of prejudice.
Equally or more important in a successful opening is the training of new staff. The instructor must understand his subject and present it clearly and professionally.
Candid new staff reviews and evaluations, are very important in retaining only the best.
It sounds so simple, but putting it all together takes some imagination, planning and the ability to, “inspect what you expect”.
The inspection of your expectations applies to every level from the C.O.O. to the newest supervisor. You don’t just ask how things are going, you actually review what you are responsible for.
If you do not know how to review a process, procedure, a program then ask for help, don’t wait. Asking for help indicates that you care, and may save untold hours of reworking. 
Part of the, “inspect what you expect” concept, can be as simple as listening to and understanding what others are saying. In many situations there are people who are aware of concerns with a new start up but no one asks them for their input. Worse than that, those who could help are told thanks for your input but we have this.
I believe a review of the entire process should be held after a successful or less than successful opening of a center. What went right and what did not. What information was available that we did not ask for or listen too? How did we gather information and ideas that helped in the opening? Then use this information when it is time to open a new center or remodel and old center. 
                In summary:
Chose an experienced manager and senior supervisor;
Hire only the best candidates;
Proper training for all staff;
Candid reviews of new staff, keeping only the best;
Inspect what you expect, at all levels.
Don Ford                                            

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