Monday, January 26, 2015

Flying for work 01.26.15

                For whatever reason, it came to mind that I had a couple odd experiences while flying for my employer. Why would I think about flying? It is simple, the airline sent me a notice that my frequent flyer miles will expire toward the end of February.
                Most of my travel experiences were actually nice, or at least they seemed that way to me.
                A new manager had been hired for the Oregon center and I was asked if I could be there just to help get him settled in. It was short notice but I said yes. When they booked my flight they could only get me a first class ticket. I, being willing to put up with these conditions, accepted the ticket. First class is nice, but it would have been better if I hadn’t needed to drive a couple hours after the flight. One cannot indulge in free adult beverages, if he has to drive at the end of the flight.
                The flight home was back in coach sitting shoulder to shoulder with common passengers. The lady sitting next to me noted that I had been on the Monday flight and I had been in first class. She said she remembered me because of the way I chew gum. Finding that interesting I ask, “how do I chew gum?” she replied, “aggressively, you really get after it”. I thought about it for a minute and I agreed.
                The Portland Organ airport had the best oatmeal raisin cookie I have ever had. I was waiting on the plane and decided to get a cup of coffee. The lady behind the counter asked if I wanted a cookie. I asked what kind and she went through the short list. I took the oatmeal raisin cookie. The cookie and coffee were better that you know what. It made my day. I even told my spouse about the cookie. 
                I should note that on my next visit to the Portland airport they did not have the oatmeal raisin cookies. I was disappointed and depressed for several days!
                I liked the Philadelphia airport because it had an area with stores more or less like being in a shopping mall. There were several eating establishments and there were rocking chairs that one could sit in and watch the world go by. I often enjoyed watching people go by, wondering who they were, what they did and where they were going.
                There was this one trip to South Carolina, I would normally fly from Dallas direct to Columbia SC. The lady that normally made our reservations was on vacation so the president of the company’s assistant made the reservations for me. My flight was from Dallas to Memphis then to Columbia. I thought it was a little odd that I would fly through Memphis but I assume they were saving money and this was a cheaper route.
                I arrived in Memphis and went to the gate for the flight to Columbia. After a few minutes I decided to check with the desk because the flight number and time that was on my ticket did not match what was on the monitor.
                The nice lady explained that I was at the wrong gate and I should go to a gate that was way across the airport. She also noted that they were boarding at this time.
                I was then in a panic mode, not being familiar with this airport I was not sure where to go. I followed the signs and finally arrived at the gate. They rushed me onto the plane, I was the last to board and evidently they had been holding the plane for me.
                I quickly sat down and fastened the seat belt. The plane was smaller than I thought it should be, I guessed they were saving money.
                There was a nice looking lady sitting next to me and she commented that I almost missed the plane.
                The motors were started and the plane was taxiing, we were on our way. We received the presentation as to how to evacuate the plane in case if an emergency.
                Off the ground and in the air all was well until the pilot came on the PA system and welcomed us aboard. He said we would be flying at 28,000 feet and would arrive in Columbia, Missouri in one hour. 
I reached for my ticket to see where I was supposed to be going. It clearly stated Columbia Missouri. I told the lady next to me I was supposed to be going to Columbia, South Carolina, not Columbia Missouri.
This lady said I should tell the stewardess. I asked why, she can’t do anything, my ticket is for Missouri and not South Carolina.
She commented, “You are taking this very calmly, I would be in panic mode if it were me.”  I explained that I would get another flight to South Carolina when we landed in Missouri.
                Landing in Missouri I immediately called the home office to get a new flight. There was no other flight in or out of this small airport today. They got me a rental car and a hotel room for the night. I was booked on a flight the next day which took me back to Memphis and then on to Columbia SC, a day late and a dollar short.
                From this ill-fated trip on, I checked the destinations on my tickets before I began any trip.
                During another adventure, I was on my way home and had arrived at the Dallas airport. I was scheduled on the last flight from Dallas to Waco. The flight was postponed a couple times and then finally canceled. I do not remember the reason but they would not provide us with rooms. They rebooked me on the flight for the next day.
Myself and a couple other men was discussing this and decided it was a two hour drive to Waco and we were going to get a one way rental car and split the cost. Guess what, none of the rental companies would give us a one way rental.
More discussion followed and we decided to see what a taxi would cost. We were told the taxi would cost $210.00. If we split the cost three ways it would be $70.00 each and that was less than a hotel room for the night.
We decided to take the taxi. I unfortunately got the front seat with the driver. This taxi had not been cleaned in a long time and I had very little room in the front seat. Also the driver may not have taken a shower for a couple weeks.
The drive seemed to last forever, we arrived at Waco airport about 1:30am and each of us paid the driver $70.00.  I don’t know about the other passengers but I did not tip this stinky driver.
When traveling, check your tickets and have fun!
Don Ford

1 comment:


    Water baptism deniers claim that you can ignore Mark 16:16 because some of the earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20. The problem is there are 60+ Bible translations that include those verses. I know of no English translation of the Bible that omits Mark 16:9-20. Yes, these same deniers have Mark 16:16 in the Bible they read. That does keep them from explaining away that truth of Mark 16:16.

    Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. (NKJV)

    If the deniers cannot convince you that Mark 16:16 is not the inspired word of God. They will deny that "and" is a conjunction.

    And Defined: A conjunction is used to grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses.[Ref.]

    1. Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved..(NKJV)

    2. Acts 2:38 ...Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins...(NKJV)

    3. You need an engine and gasoline to start your automobile. You cannot start your car by the engine alone.

    4. Your doctor says you need surgery and a blood transfusion in order to live. You cannot live by surgery alone.

    5. You must have a house with walls, and a roof and a heating system to keep your house warm in winter. You cannot keep warm by a house with walls alone.

    Denying that the Bible includes Mark 16:16 does not prove that water baptism is not essential in order to be saved.

    Denying that "and" is a conjunction does not mean that you can have your sins forgiven without being baptized in water.

    It takes a skilled professional to convince men that immersion in water (that is baptism) is not essential in order to be saved from the penalty of sin.

    Honestly seeking God's truth trumps the erroneous teaching of skilled professionals every time it is tried.

