Sunday, June 4, 2017

Interviewing 06.05.17

Interviewing        06.05.17
                When interviewing, one wants to get as much information about the applicant as possible. There are certain things that an interviewer is not legally allow to ask the interviewee, but the interviewer would like to know. I was good at getting this information, legally!
                The following is my suggested method of interviewing. Follow my suggestions and you may be rewarded with valuable information.
                The applicant completes an application. Review the application in detail. If there is any area of information that is left blank, assume the applicant has something to hide, reject the applicant. 
                I suggest 3 interviews of each applicant. The first and second interviewers should be department managers that the interviewee would or might work in.
                The first interviewer will have certain questions that he / she must ask. During this interview, the interviewer will evaluate the person’s responses and body language. Each interviewer has the ability to reject the applicant.  
                The second interviewer will also have certain questions, different from the first, which he / she must ask.
                The first two interviews are more or less formal and very business-like. We gather all the necessary information and review the entire application. The applicant will likely be on guard, attempting to present an appropriate appearance and responses.
                The final interviewer will attempt to put the interviewee at ease. You walk into the room with the notes and application, introduce yourself and with a smile ask how they are doing. Sit down, square up to the table, sit up straight, leaning forward a little, begin to review the notes and application. This is a professional no nonsense image.
                After a minute or so, put the papers down and say, everything looks good. You then scoot your chair back from the table a little, turn so you are not directly facing the applicant, lean back in the chair presenting a very relaxed image. You then smile and say something like, “I see they have asked you all the necessary questions”, then with a smile ask, “What questions do you have for me”? Answer any questions.
                Still leaning back and appearing to be relaxed ask them, “Tell me about yourself.” Allow the person to talk, if they stop, you should sit there quietly looking at them. It is amazing what people will tell you if they feel like they are just talking, and most people can’t stand to sit there in silence so they will likely continue talking.                           This process is not perfect but it works most of the time.
                Note, when interviewing professionals, persons who have likely read and learned about body language, they will often be able to send you a false impression of how interested they are in what you have to say. You should learn about body language! Body language works at home as well as in business.

                In situations where there is only one interviewer, you should basically follow the same process.
                First, have your must know questions written down. Assuming the applicant is already in the room, you walk into the room with the notes and application, introduce yourself and with a smile, ask how they are doing. Sit down, square up to the table, sit up straight, leaning forward a little, begin the interview. Stay focused, and have good but not constant eye contact. Evaluate the answers being given, and observe the body language presented during each question. In this part of the interview you are a professional, present a no nonsense image.
                Second, after asking and recording (writing down) the responses to your questions, make a statement to the effect, “everything looks good, or now that we have that completed”. You then scoot your chair back from the table a little, turn so you are not directly facing the applicant, lean back in the chair presenting a very casual image. You then smile and say something like, “What questions do you have for me”?           Answer any questions.
                Still leaning back and appearing to be relaxed, ask the applicant, “Tell me about yourself.” Allow the person to talk, if they stop, you should sit there quietly looking at them. As stated previously, it is amazing what people will tell you if they feel like they are just talking, and most people can’t stand to sit there in silence so they will likely continue talking.                            

                How does this apply in personal life? If you are talking with a child, other family member or friend, you will find that presenting the appearance of not being upset, not being tensed up and being relaxed, the other person will be more likely to open up to you. Again, when your mouth is shut, others will be more likely to talk.
                                When two or more are gathered, someone will be talking, is it you?               

Don Ford

Friday, June 2, 2017

Positive attitude.

Positive attitude… 
                        This is the teaching version, to be used by an instructor.
The first point to make is:
When you believe, also known as Faith, you have a positive attitude. This positive attitude, faith and believing swings both ways. One can be positive that they can jump over a puddle of water, or one can be positive that they can’t jump over a puddle of water! Either way, they were positive that they could or could not complete the task.
Now we know that a positive attitude does not always mean, “Optimistic attitude”.
Consider for a moment, are you optimistic, in your thoughts and actions? Do you believe the future will be, “Better than the past”, or is your attitude more along the lines of, “things will never be better”?     You can choose!
Do you see yourself as, “Unfortunate”, and have you thought, “Why do bad things always happen to me”? 
Do you see yourself as, “Fortunate”, and have you thought, “Good things always happen to me”!              You can choose!
Let’s consider a few quick statements, and as we do please see which statements relate to you.
                Statements are:
I got a pay increase!  
I got a shabby little pay raise how do they expect me to live?
I was the top producer last week! 
I worked my butt off last week, all I got was tired.
My neighbor just got a new… wow that’s great!    
My neighbor got a new…, why do they have all the good things?
My dog is having puppies!   
My dog is having puppies, how do I get rid of them?

Ponder the following statement.     
                The glass is both, “Half empty” while at the same time it is. “Half full”.
                Consider for a moment, how do you see the glass?                    You can choose!

                You are working, someone interrupts you and when you turn to face the person, you knock something over and it spills on the floor.  How you respond may set the tone for the rest of the day, for both you and the other person.  Yes, you and I also influence others attitudes. 
                Suggested response:          
First, smile even if it is a fake smile.
Second, while you are smiling say, “If that is the worst thing that happens today, it’s not too bad.”  
                                You can choose!

Summary, this lesson should cause you to think about your attitude. Understand that your attitude affects others that you come in contact with (family, friends, and associates). If you are now thinking this was a bunch of bull and a waste of your time, you are the person this was written for.

                                “You can choose!”

Don Ford